As a Member of Care Solutions Group, Members gain the opportunity to increase brand awareness, achieve common goals, maximize communications and information and respond to industry needs. Among the most important benefits of a membership is the ability to communicate and work directly with other industry leaders. Specifically, membership within Care Solutions Group provides the following opportunities:
Develop and enhance network and business alliances.
Provide opportunities to partner with national companies.
Participate in the design and development of a health care platform to assist organizations involved with government programs (Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, ACOs, Bundled Payments, Dual Eligibles, Medical Homes).
Provide a voice in government policy and lobbying for private enterprise opportunities.
Leverage strength of network to assist in influencing legislative issues in health care.
Share risk across multiple organizations.
Reduce marketing costs and professional staff.
Provide opportunities to leverage group to negotiate pricing on insurance coverage, marketing materials, office supplies, etc.